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St Mary's C of E Primary School

Credenhill, Hereford

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Monday 6th July 2020

Friday's answer was

Today's Riddle

This is a special kind of transport
Sometimes used in an emergency
As they’re able to fly and hover
And help rescue people lost at sea


Send us a message on Seesaw when you have the answer.

SPELLING SHED - Find your spellings below along with an activity. Log in and practise for 5 minutes each day to be prepared for our LAST Friday Hive in Class Two. Don't forget about the Maths Shed games too.

Below is a photo of Brunel's Steam Ship - The SS Great Britain. Look at it carefully and tell your adult three things you notice.

Brunel's SS Great Britain - Wonder of Britain

Craft and Science - Follow these instructions to make your own ship.

Year 2 - Week 11 - Lesson 1 - Litres

