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St Mary's C of E Primary School

Credenhill, Hereford

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Thursday 2nd April

Remember, the number at the bottom of the fraction is called a 'denominator' and WE DO NOT  ADD THESE.
The number at the top is called a 'numerator'. These can be added. If the numerator is the same as the denominator, then this is 1 whole.

Unit Fractions - what is the same and what is different

The animations below can really help children see how fractions work. It has been a long time since they studied fractions - in fact not since year 4 - so they may need to go back to the beginning for a refresher. The worksheet only shows digits - but they can easily be turned into drawings to help their understanding. Miss Taft is a huge fan of mathematician Berkeley Everett, who designs these animations. Feel free to google him and enjoy all of his amazing resources. TIP: He is American and uses the word 'fourths' instead of 'quarters'

Adding fractions to Make 1

Another representation

Fractions - Counting on a numberline

This is Miss Taft's favourite!





Write A Newspaper Report - a 2 day task

Class 5 recently created newspaper stories about the local floods.
They were excellent! (Miss Taft has brought them home and will be photographing them to share with families - and your poems too!)
In your book (or create a mini newspaper of your own on a separate sheet) create a newspaper story about the events from the animation of Lighthouse. Don't forget the basics; a strong bold catchy headline; an opening which briefly says 'what, when, where, why and who'; a quote from the light-housekeeper. 
You may need to watch the animation again to have the events clear in your mind. I suggest draft your newspaper report today. Tomorrow, spend the time creating a finished, neatly presented version. You can choose how to present the newspaper - either by hand or using a computer.
Send a copy to Miss Taft on Seesaw - she'd love to read them. I can then post them to a picture gallery on our school website.

Parent Tip 1: Sometimes children forget the article is a newspaper and can drift into TV interview mode. Keep an eye on that as they write, remembering that this writing is to be read by a reader - not heard or seen on TV.

Parent Tip 2: When punctuating a quote, children often forget how to arrange the punctuation around the "spoken" words. I tell them there are 4 choices:-


1. A full stop - if the speech ends the sentence.
One villager described the night as , " An incredible sight to see - we were so relieved. "


2. A question mark ?

The lighthouse keeper was heard calling , "Who can help me ? "


3. An exclamation mark !

10 year old David, who witnessed the whole thing told The Daily Mary , "It was incredible ! "


4. A comma ,

" I will never forget that night , " David told us.


And finally, don't forget to put a comma in front of the first inverted commas
(inverted commas used to be called speech marks)


