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St Mary's C of E Primary School

Credenhill, Hereford

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Monday 11th May

Monday 11th May (Miss Taft in school today)
This is the fifth lesson in this series of fractions topic. Read back your work from the last session and the teacher will take you through your tasks before continuing to help you understand 'Equivalent fractions'. 
TIP: 'horizontal' = side to side.    'vertical' = up and down



Today's focus... HINDUISM

Class 5 have studied aspects of Hinduism this year - particularly the 'puja' which means to worship. In today's lesson, the children learn more specifically about puja for the goddess Durga.
I think Class 5 would particularly enjoy doing doing the task on page 4 called What’s the story? The video to go with the task is shown below.

The Story of Goddess Durga







or you can choose to have a CHRISTIANITY Focus. There are 4 parts to this focus 

Monday part 1 of 4

The Good Samaritan
This resource is all based around this famous bible story - one we use in school very often.
Task: Complete pgs 1-3

