A personal introduction from Mrs Dean to new Year 4's
Mrs Dean can't be in school with you until September - but here is a sneaky peak inside her studio and her sketchbooks!
Tour of Mrs Dean's garden and house
Have a nose around Mrs Dean's house and garden and get a few insights into things we might do in Year 4!
ACTIVITY Y4 paper based
This activity can be done in school or at home with your family - use the box of resources I have left in school for you. (BETWEEN MINUTES 3-9 THE SOUND ISN'T QUITE SYNCED WITH THE VIDEO - I HAVE NO IDEA WHY!??)
Activity Plastic ideas
Here are some ideas for the plastic resources in your activity pack - this activity is to do at home over the hollibobs.
This story is based on the life of Alberto and Diego Giacometti and has inspired your activities today. Have a think about the relationship these brother have...
Seth couldn't wait to get started on his mammoth - absolutely brilliant!
Please do email me with any activity photos you are happy to share sdean@credenhill.hereford.sch.uk
How to make T-Shirt Yarn (Easy Upcycle) - Great T-Shirt Yarn DIYs
I found this video tutorial if you want to make the t-shirt string I use in the activity - remember to get permission first and ask a grown up for help with scissors too!