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St Mary's C of E Primary School

Credenhill, Hereford

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Wednesday 10th June

Say hi to Wilf! Wilf has written a paragraph all about his favourite book, but he's made some 'whoops's! Can you spot all of the 'whoops' mistakes in Wilf's paragraph?


Hi, I'm Wilfred, or Wilfred four short I am 8 years old and I reelly injoy reading books. In my spaer time or when I go to bed I always read a little bit. My mum says it's really inportunt to read each day becus I will learn knew words and learn lots of new things about the world and people My favourite book at the moment is 

The Boy in the Dress it is brilliant. It might make you laugh, it’s funny and is about a boy called Dennis. Dennis does not live with both his parents but with his dad and brother called John. One day Dennis goes to school and accidentely throws a ball at the window and gets detention and then meets a girl. Thats all I am going to say because I don’t want to ruin it for you

