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St Mary's C of E Primary School

Credenhill, Hereford

Get in touch

Monday 20th April 2020

Spellings for this week are on Spelling Shed. Please try to do ten minutes a day. New spellings will be assigned every Friday. 

Have you seen the new Maths Shed? Number bonds, times tables and adding and subtracting games all ready to play.

English - Read this story called The Messy Magpie. You may need an adult to read it with you. Talk about the story after you have read it with an adult.

Design and Make - Make a bird feeder to go in your garden. There are many different ways you can do this. We have given you some instructions, but you can research your own versions too.

Science - Be a bird spotter. Record the birds that you see outside. Draw pictures, make a tally, take photos, it is up to you. Below is a sheet of possible garden birds you may see.

