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St Mary's C of E Primary School

Credenhill, Hereford

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Thursday 14th May

Please listen to and learn our song 'Looking to the Rainbow'

Reading Lesson

Follow the BBC Bitesize reading lesson based: Tell Me No Lies by Malorie Blackman.

Use Anna's video to help you today. Thank you Anna!

Still image for this video

Maths - Make a Century!

Topic - Multi Faith Week


Yesterday, you learnt all about Buddhism. The Buddha talked about the Eightfold Path which Buddhists should follow to reach a state of Nirvana. When this state is reached it is possible to step out of the cycle of birth, death, rebirth and suffering. The eight spokes of the wheel represent the Eightfold Path:

Right understanding: to realise there will always be things which make you unhappy;

Right attitude: thinking kind thoughts;

Right speech: not telling lies or hurtful words;

Right action: not harming anyone or any animal;

Right work: doing a job which doesn't harm others;

Right effort: thinking before you act;

Right awareness: knowing what you are doing and what is going on around you;

Right concentration: being calm and letting go of all desires.

Your Task is to create your own Eightfold path. What would your eight rights in life be? Write them neatly into your home learning book in your neatest handwriting. 


Art Challenge

These are the 8 Buddhist symbols. Choose one and draw your representation.


  • The Endless Knot.
  • The Treasure Vase.
  • The Lotus Flower.
  • Two Golden Fish.
  • The Parasol.
  • The Conch Shell.
  • The Dharma Wheel.
  • The Banner of Victory.

