School Logo

St Mary's C of E Primary School

Credenhill, Hereford

Get in touch

Wednesday 18th March

Activity 1 - 

Please practice going through the sounds on the sound key ring. Your child can show you the actions we have learnt for all the different sounds. 


Activity 2 - 

Practice forming letters a - d on the line in your child's home learning book.  Use the letter formation sheet on the inside of the book to help you support them with lower case and upper case letters. 


Activity 3- 

We are looking at time in maths this week. Draw or create a picture timetable of key events from previous day or of the child's morning routine. For example, first they can draw a picture of them getting out of bed, then them having their breakfast etc. You can do this in their home learning book or on a separate piece of paper and stick it in if you wish. 


