Welcome Design and Technology (DT) at St Mary's
Our memorable definition for DT
Designing and making
Something for
Somebody for
Some purpose
Design and Technology is taught across all key stages using bespoke projects based on exemplar Projects on a Page from the Design Technology Association. Our projects aim to incorporate these DT principles:
- Who it is for (User)
- What task the product will perform (Purpose)
- Scope for original thinking (Innovation)
- How believable/real the product is (Authenticity)
- How the product will work (Functionality)
- The opportunities children have to make choices (Design Decisions)
The children are encouraged to be creative, use their imagination, think logically as well as laterally and develop knowledge, understanding and skills through evaluation of existing projects and focused tasks. Our DT has solid, relevant cross-curricular links including maths for measuring, art for designing, science for materials and their properties, electricity...
The children create both 2D and 3D work, they are taught and encouraged to develop ideas, plan and design, and then make their product/ creation, finally the children will evaluate their work. They understand DT is an iterative process and are encouraged to speculate and reflect with lots of questions.
The children will learn new skills and techniques, using different media and materials, these include:
Construction and joining, including woodwork.
Clay work- new techniques, such as coiling.
Mechanisms- moving pictures using levers.
Food- cookery
Textiles- weaving and learning sewing skills.
Pneumatics- learning about how to use the energy stored in compressed air.
Circuits and switches- making the bulb light up.
ICT- Designing and learning new skills.
If you require any further details about DT at St Mary's please call in to see Mrs Dean (DT Co-ordinator)