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St Mary's C of E Primary School

Credenhill, Hereford

Get in touch

Monday 20th April

To start our SPIDER topic rolling, I'd like you to read this information leaflet and answer the questions in your book, or if you lucky enough to have a printer, answer directly on the sheet. The answers are provided so no cheating!

With permission from your grown-up, take part in the survey and go on a spider hunt. It's really easy to do and after doing this comprehension, you will be arachnid experts! This activity has been suggested by my spider-scientist contact - Catherine Scott. She now has your questions and is busy preparing a video lesson JUST FOR YOU. 


Choose the second link down 'Week 2'..... (not Summer Week 2)

Week 2 - lesson 1 'Rounding Decimals'

This week I'd like to continue the video lessons and worksheets from White Rose Maths. This should be the second time you have worked on these resources. If you missed the first time - link to Week 1 instead of Week 2. (Note - we are not yet ready to go on to the Summer term weeks yet)


It is still possible to do this worksheet without watching the video lessons as this is more revision work for you. We have worked extensively in class on the position of the tenths and hundredths digit, as well as using the 'mid-point' to know whether to round up or down. 

