Home Learning
Summer Term
Welcome back, I hope you all enjoyed your half term break in the sun and are all keeping safe and well! I will be continuing to upload work on here every school day for you to complete with your child at home.
This weeks theme is Spreading My Wings From Reception to Year 1!
You have all worked so hard this Year. I wanted to say goodbye and good luck, I will miss you all!

'Looking to the Rainbow' is a brand-new song from Nick & Becky Drake for schools to perform during the Covid-19 lockdown.
We would like all the children to learn this song so when we return, it will be something we can all sing - bringing us together in a very special way. Children up and down the country are learning this song so let's join in their efforts and brighten our days with the ever wonderful sound of children singing their hearts out. It is a beautiful song and one we know will stay with you. Please follow the link below to watch a video of the song and a PDF of the lyrics!