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St Mary's C of E Primary School

Credenhill, Hereford

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School Meals

At St Mary's we are proud to be a healthy school which means we are constantly working to promote the health and well-being of our entire school community. 

Our meals are provided by The Golden Cross Inn and in line with Government policy we  have a total commitment to being a healthy school.  Meals are catered for in our main Hall starting at 11:50am for Reception class, 12:00pm for Key Stage 1 classes and then 12:20pm for Key Stage 2 classes.


School Dinners


Cooked school lunches (meat & vegetarian option) are available each day for children whose parents wish them to have one.  


Orders are to be received by John Murray at The Golden Cross Inn by the Thursday two weeks before your child wishes to have meals in school. Orders and payments should be made directly to The Golden Cross Inn directly (BACS or cash/cheque payment options). Please email  or for full information.


Children opting for school meals have options of a meat choice or vegetarian. Dessert is offered every day and jugs of water are always available for the pupils. The menu is changed every week. Please see a copy of the menu below. If you require a printed version, please come and collect one from the office. 


If your child is attending school for the first time, or you would like your child to start having school dinners, then please contact the school office to let us know.


Packed Lunches

We encourage our children to eat a healthy packed lunch. Foods containing nuts, sweets, fizzy drinks and chocolate bars should not be included in packed lunches.  Please see our guide to a healthy lunch box below. Packed lunches should always be labelled clearly with your child's name. 

Universal Infant Free School Meals 


From September 2014 all Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils attending state-funded schools will be eligible for a free school meal. This is known as the Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM) Scheme. The Government has decided that from this date, all pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 should be able to have a free school meal at lunchtime. This offer does not depend on your household income or whether you receive any benefits – every child in these classes is eligible to take up the offer. In a trial, it was found that pupils who ate a high quality school lunch achieved better academically than those who did not. They were also more likely to eat healthier foods such as vegetables at lunchtime instead of less healthy foods such as crisps. 


If your child would like to receive a Universal Infant Free School Meal we would ask you to contact the School Office on 01432 760408 or for the latest menu and details of how to order.  Please also complete the Application Form below so that we can check with our Local Authority if you are entitled to extra funding. Thank you. 


If you have any queries regarding this, please contact the school office and we will try our best to assist you. 


Lunchtime Team 

Mrs S Francis 

Mrs A Burton

Mrs D Greenhouse

Mrs Hayley Privett


Pupil Premium Free School Meals 


In January every year we will be asked to complete a Government Census recording all the pupils in school so that the appropriate allocation of funding can be made.  


One aspect of our funding is through the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG), a specific grant given by the Government so that schools can address the attainment gaps between students in the following vulnerable groups and their peers:-


*  Those students eligible for free school meals (FSM) over the past 6 years. 

*   Pupils who are looked after (CLA), adopted from care or who leave care under a Special Guardianship or Residential Order since 20015. 

*   Pupils whose parents are in the Armed Forces. 


St Mary's Primary School supports every pupil to be successful in their learning and every member of staff is committed to meeting pupils' pastoral, social and academic needs.  In line with our values we expect every pupil to be able to succeed irrespective of any perceived or actual disadvantage. 


We therefore ask all our parents and carers to apply for Free School Meals if you think you might be eligible.  Free School Meals are available to families who earn less than £16,190 per year.  If you apply and are successful your child does not have to have a school dinner if they'd rather not, although they are lovely and there is a choice of a meat or vegetarian meal.  However, it will mean that more money will come into the School from which your son or daughter and other pupils will benefit in the form of the pupil premium grant.  If you would like more information regarding application for free school meals please call Claire Ross, our Business Manager on 01432 760408 or email her direct at


Please note the Pupil Premium Free School Meal is not the same as the Universal Infant Free School Meal which all our children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to receive as they are funded entirely differently from Central Government.  


We also ask that our parents and carers of children adopted from care or who leave care under a Special Guardianship or Residential Order or who are in the Armed Forces, who have not advised us previously to let us know so that we are able to access funding for them too. 


Please be assured that any information that identifies pupils in any of these categories will be treated with respect and appropriate confidentiality to ensure there is no inappropriate identification of these pupils. 



Free School Meal Application Form

