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St Mary's C of E Primary School

Credenhill, Hereford

Get in touch

Leadership and Management including pupil and staff leaders

Opportunities for young leaders.

Taking responsibility is really important to our children here at St Mary's. They have lots of roles in school. Some of these are listed below.

House Captains

Sport's Captains

Eco Club


Shed monitors

Lunchtime Monitors

Milk Monitors

Pupil Power Representatives

Playground Pals 

Pupil Power

Two members of Pupil power talk about what they do at pupil power meetings.

Hi our names are Faye and Ophel and we are part of Pupil Power. We represent our school and Sycamore Class. We make sure no-one is left out and we try to make our school a better place. Mrs Pullen helps run Pupil Power and we meet every Wednesday. One of the favourite things that we have done was to visit the Nursery and spread kindness week on Kindness day.  Please look out for our newsletter, these tell you all what we have been up to throughout the term. 

Thank you for reading.

Faye and Ophel.

St Mary's Children's responsibilities

Click on the internal link to our Curriculum page to see our staff Subject Leader's work.

