Monday 8th June 2020
This week's spellings. Our test will be on Wednesday and Friday at 11:00am. They are all words with silent letters this week and I have put them on spelling shed to help you learn them. Good luck!
Answers to Friday's London landmarks emoji quiz
This week your grammar is a quest. You need to solve a new puzzle each day. When you have all 5 answers you will be able to solve the mystery. Good luck!
If you get stuck please don't hesitate the message me and I look forward to receiving your solutions on Friday, Mrs South

Open the documents below to find out the possible culpits and the first clue.
The week's English is a non-fiction writing and research topic based on SPACE.
Today we will be looking at SpaceX. Did you watch their latest rocket launch? Use the internet or the weblink below to investigate these questions. Write the answers in your home learning book..
- Who owns SpaceX
- Where did the Rocket launch from?
- Where was the rocket going?
- Find out about other SpaceX projects. What have they got planned for the future?
- What else is the owner of SpaceX known for inventing?
This week our focus is 'Money.'
Today problem will really make you think and you are going to have to use trail and error to solve it (and a little adult support too) If you need a clue I have placed on below. I will post the answers for you tomorrow. Have fun!

Do you need a clue?
Art Challenge: Set by Anna today. Thank you Anna
Create a 'Lockdown Collage'