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St Mary's C of E Primary School

Credenhill, Hereford

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Tuesday 14th July

Daily Reading / Spelling shed /Sumdog

Children rarely spend time in school studying months and calendars believe it or not. And so it's always surprising to find that even older children need a bit more practice and time spent going through something which might seem quite basic. Adults (including teachers) suffer from a something called 'the curse of knowledge' and we can assume that children know things already. Time is an area that children grow better at just by virtue of growing older and experiencing time passing for themselves. So, whilst this resource is from year 3, see how your child copes with these questions. They can always do all of the sheets if they wizz through one sheet really quickly. The questions about checking days on the 2020 calendar will be particularly interesting for you to see and is a good life skill in the real world. Let me know how it goes on Seesaw.



TOPIC - Crime & Punishment
20th and 21st Centuries
We have finally arrived in modern times - what a long journey we have had. Let's find out what changes have been made...

As usual, the documents here have more worksheets than you need. Here is a summary of the tasks:-
Left (easier).     Centre (medium).    Right (challenge)

