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St Mary's C of E Primary School

Credenhill, Hereford

Get in touch

Monday 8th June 2020

Good morning Class Two. This week we are learning about DINOSAURS!

1. Click on the image

2. Click the play button.

3. Today we are learning about triceratops, so click him.

4. Complete all three activities to earn three stickers.

5. Then you should have three yellow stars on the triceratops to show you have learnt all about him.

5. Finally collect your rewards by opening the sticker scrap book. (depending on what device you are using, it may not remember your stickers from day to day)


Make it on Monday (choose to make either a hat or a mask)

Easy craft: How to make a paper dinosaur hat

Dinosaur Mask made out of Paper Plates

MATHS - This week is 'My Money' week. Each day we will look at a different money themed challenge. Today it is based on owning a new pet cat. Open the document below to get started.

SPELLINGS - Today practise your spellings on Spelling Shed. Find your list below along with a paper activity if you want it. Try to log on and do ten minutes a day please. There will be a Spelling Hive on Friday only this week. Come along and test yourselves. You get to earn more honey pots and then you can change your avatar.


