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St Mary's C of E Primary School

Credenhill, Hereford

Get in touch

Online Safety

Online Safety is paramount to our school and we place a great deal of importance in educating the children about this ever-changing topic.  If you have any concerns about your child's e-safety, such as cyberbullying, inappropriate messages/pictures being sent, addiction to games, or any other online safety problem, then please come to us for advice and support. We are here to help you. For more serious issues as well as the most up to date advice, we can liase quickly and directly with experts at the
UK Safer Internet  Centre      
tel: 0844 381 4772

 Otherwise, you can speak to your teacher or go directly to:-


Mrs Davies (Headteacher)
Mrs Jones  (Deputy Headteacher)

There are many resources out there to support parents and children with online safety. Below are some examples. 

Safer Internet Day - film for parents and carers

A short film raising awareness of Safer Internet Day with parents and carers and encouraging them to have a conversation with their children about the internet. Parents and carers can find more about Safer Internet Day at

Digiduck's Big Decision (age 3-7) interactive book


Smartie The Penguin (age 3-7) interactive book


Adventures of The Smart Crew (age 7-11) animations


Words Can Hurt

Still image for this video
Here is an example of just one of the videos available by Commonsense Media (an American site recommended by UK Safer Internet Centre).There are many more videos like this to target specific issues. This particular story is suitable for all ages and will help you start a conversation about how to talk to others when playing games online.

