St Mary’s Primary School Curriculum Statement
Our Curriculum Intent:
At St Mary’s Credenhill C of E Primary School the curriculum is designed to:
Recognise children’s prior learning, build their knowledge through first hand learning experiences in order to allow the children to develop interpersonal skills and build the learning skills (our ‘Key Drivers’ that underpin our curriculum) of resilience and perseverance in order to become creative and critical thinkers.
Every child is recognised as a unique individual. We celebrate and welcome differences within our school community. We aim to instil the basic skills, knowledge, concepts and values underpinned by our Christian Values, encouraging, wisdom, respect, tolerance, dignity and hope.
We constantly provide enhancement opportunities to engage learning and believe that childhood should be a happy, investigative and an enquiring time in our lives where there are no limits to curiosity and there is a thirst for new experiences and knowledge.
We use ‘Learning Powers’ to promote positive attitudes to learning which reflect the values and skills needed to promote responsibility for learning and future success.
Community involvement is an essential part of our curriculum as we celebrate local traditions that connect the children to members and events in our community.
Children leave the school with a sense of belonging to a tightly knit community where they have the confidence and skills to make the right choices as informed and global citizens who have the aspiration to become lifelong learners.
Our Curriculum Drivers
Our curriculum is ever evolving and developing but at the heart of it are the key drivers that we feel embody our school and will move us forward. When designing our curriculum we considered the backgrounds of our students, the challenges they faced and our own belief in high quality education. These drivers are used to provide our students with curriculum opportunities that will encourage them to be the best they can be.
Driver | Why we chose this…
Possibility To be resilient and persevere to challenge ourselves and each other. To know that anything is possible and we can instil that
| We feel very strongly that we want our children to have a positive mindset, good mental health and confident learners.
We want them to leave with an awareness and a passion to achieve their dreams.
Diversity Understand the differences in our world in order to be more compassionate, empathise with others and to understand and fit into the world around us.
| We live in a very rural place and our children have limited opportunities to meet people from different ethnic backgrounds or experience life in a large city.
Community We want our children to develop a sense of pride in themselves and respect for others. To know how it feels to belong and to value those around us.
| The Christian values that underpin our curriculum intent are those of respect, tolerance and hope. Many of our children move frequently and a sense of belonging is important. Our school ethos is revolves around us all respecting ourselves and each other. Looking after our world and our environment and caring for and understanding the needs of others. |
Communication We believe that helping our children find their voice is as important as them becoming avid readers or great writers and will work to broaden vocabulary and encourage talk in all areas of learning.
| We want our children to be confident when they are speaking in a variety of situations. We want them to develop a depth of vocabulary and understanding of language in different contexts and understand how to adapt their speech according to the environment they are in. Effective communication is an essential life-skill; curtesy and good manners are also key – these are the skills we wish to develop.
At St Mary's CE Primary School we follow the National Curriculum for England, published by the Department for Education in 2014. A copy of the publication can be found using the following link:
Additionally, please find information about our curriculum below.