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St Mary's C of E Primary School

Credenhill, Hereford

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Tuesday 19th May 2020

Tongue Twister on Tuesday

The Big Black Bug. Learn this tongue twister and say it as fast as you can! Click play to hear it. If you would like to, send us a video on Seesaw.

Learn about butterflies

Meet Zoologist Jess French

SCIENCE - Choose one of these insects to label.

ART - Look through the close up photos and choose a butterfly to draw, colour or paint in detail. Use an A4 piece of paper and try to fill the page.

MATHS - today we are using a different resource, BBC Bitesize. The focus is practising our number bonds to 100.

There is plenty to do on this page, do what is right for you. The two animations are fairly short (under 1 minute). There are 2 worksheets which you can access on the page. However we have also downloaded to this website (see below) just in case you have difficulty. Activity 3 is a game - Karate Kids Maths. 

BBC Bitesize worksheets

PHONICS - please complete the worksheet. Page 2 has the answers, as sometimes the pictures are a little ambiguous!

