Wednesday 1st April
Activity 1
Follow the link below to join a live Read Write Ink phonics session at 9:30am. It will be recapping a sound that you child has already learnt. Your child will be able to follow the session as it will follow the same structure as our class phonics lessons. If you miss the live video don't worry as it will be available all day.
Activity 2
To start off this task get your child to watch the 3D shape song (I have attached the link underneath). After discuss with your child what is the difference between a 2D and 3D shape?
Next using different items from the kitchen and around the house create a shop full of 3D items (coffee tub - cylinder, biscuit box- cuboid). Your child has to identify the 3D shape of the item when buying them. Use the 3D shape mat to support this activity if you need. You could extend this activity by asking your child what 2D shapes they can identify on the 3D shapes. For example, a cereal box is a cuboid and has rectangle faces on it.
Activity 3
Spring is definitely here! I have seen so much coming to life in my garden at home with the plants budding and birds all around. A big sign that spring is here is the frogs and caterpillars laying their eggs. Your task today is to create a life cycle of a frog. You can choose to do this however you like so be as creative as you want! I have attached some sheets you can print and your child can cut and stick the pictures in the correct order. Or you can use them to support your child drawing the different stages of the cycles.