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St Mary's C of E Primary School

Credenhill, Hereford

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Monday 4th May 2020

NHS Celebration Week

If you have older brothers or sisters, then this week you can do some of the tasks together as KS2 are also doing activities about the NHS. They have an official competition that they are entering, it isn't open to Year Two. So we have asked Mrs Jones, our Deputy Head Teacher to judge Y2's competition entries (more information on how to enter on Thursday) and award a first, second and third place.


Our task this week is to “thank you to the NHS”. We will be thinking about how the NHS has helped us, our friends and our families. 

Have a think about these questions then fill in the worksheet below:


What are you good at?

What do you need help with? 

What are your favourite things?

What do you want to do in the future?

Mrs Jones will be judging our competition entries for our NHS competition

Who am I?

Printable Who am I?

How to grow a Rainbow - Science experiment


You will need: 

Kitchen roll/paper towel,

Felt tip pens,

Two small bowls of water,

Paper clip,



Hopefully, you have these things around your home, if not you can always do the experiment on another day. Do you know what a rainbow represents? It means HOPE! There are many stories and tales about rainbows, Noah's Ark being one of the oldest. Maybe you could research and share some stories with us on Seesaw this week.



Printable Rainbow Science Experiment

Rainbow Making Instructions

SPELLINGS - Thank you to so many of you joining in the Live Spelling Test (Spelling Hive) on Spelling Shed on Friday. This week Friday (7th May) is a Bank Holiday so we will have our Spelling Test on Thursday instead. Details on Seesaw

