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St Mary's C of E Primary School

Credenhill, Hereford

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Working Scientifically

When children carry out investigations, they primary focus is on using vocabulary related to the topic when observing, measuring and recording. We do this in lots of different ways in Year 3 and each topic has a 'working scientifically' element incorporated.

Autumn Science  Spring Science Summer Science

Animals Including Humans

The children will learn about what makes a balanced diet, the scientific names for food groups and they will design a recipe using food groups to make sure it is 'balanced'.

Children will also learn the names of bones, functions of our skeleton and different types of skeletons; both human and in animals. 


In Spring, we learn about Light and Shadow and Forces and Magnets. We will carry out investigations to improve our understanding of how to work scientifically.

We link our Science to the topic of The Romans- exploring volcanoes and rock formation. Children will investigate rocks.


The Skeleton Dance | Super Simple Songs

3 Types of Rocks

3 Types of Rocks. On the bases of their formation, rocks are broadly divided into three types, namely igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks and metamorphic rocks....

Magnetism |

Magnetism.A magnet is an object or device that produces a magnetic field.Magnet attracts objects made of nickel, iron and cobalt.A magnet has 2 poles, the No...

