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St Mary's C of E Primary School

Credenhill, Hereford

Get in touch

Monday 30th March 2020

Play Progidy and Spelling shed as often as you can and don't forget to read.I would love to hear what you are reading at the moment and what your book is all about. You can message me using Seesaw :) 
This week we have added a level 1 and level 2 maths. The level 1 is revision of work we have completed in school and the level 2 is still revision but slightly harder. Take your pick!
Do you think we should continue to put our clocks forward and back an hour? Write down the fors and againsts in your home-learning book and have a debate in your house. Who wins? 

Reading - I thought you might be running out of books to read so have placed a short book on here that I think you will like . Hope you enjoy it.

Art - Each Day for the next 30 days I will set you a daily art challenge. Try and add as much detail as you can. Each task should take approximately 30 minutes. They do not have to be too big.

DAY 1 - Your portrait

