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St Mary's C of E Primary School

Credenhill, Hereford

Get in touch

Tuesday 21st April


Watch the video all about Viking invasions. Then listen to the song and follow the words on the picture below. Today I would like you to write your own song - you can be a Viking or an Anglo Saxon. You can video yourself performing it or take a picture and send it me via Seesaw. I would love to see/hear them! I will allow 2 sessions - today and tomorrow for you to finish this.

Viking invaders and settlers | History - The Vikings

Suitable for teaching 7-11s. Archaeologist Neil Oliver visits Lindisfarne, Repton and York to trace the Viking invasion and settlement in Anglo Saxon England...

Viking invasion song

Viking song

Long Division Revision

Still image for this video
Let's remind ourselves of long division- I know how much you love doing it!!

Art Challenge

Each Day for the next 30 days I will set you a daily art challenge. Try and add as much detail as you can. Each task should take approximately 30 minutes. They do not have to be too big.

Day 6 - Draw/ Paint/ Collage - A Viking Shield

Images of viking shields




































Grammar Task

Task 1: Identify the eight errors in this short paragraph and then write it out using the correct words.

It was early in the mourning and my dad was down in the seller because the lights
had gone off and he kneaded to find the fuse box. After he had fixed the lights, he
returned upstairs but almost tripped over my base guitar. He badly stubbed his toe
on the stares and bald like a baby! He mustard up all of his strength and staggered
up the stairs, taking care to sensor the language he was using so that he didn’t
offend anyone!



