The Ickabog
All this week we will be exploring a new book, it is called The Ickabog and has been written by J.K Rowling, do you recognise her name? I am sure you do, she wrote all of the Harry Potter books of course! She has released the book online, for free, so that we can all read it. How kind is that?
We are going to explore her new book all this week, hopefully you will love it and can of course continue to read it over the next few weeks. Mrs Dean (Y4) has recorded herself reading each chapter, so for each days activity you can choose whether to listen to Mrs Dean reading the chapter or to read it yourself. You might even want to do both!
There is an art competition to go with the book but I will let you know about that at the end of the week!
A letter from J.K Rowling...
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Today's task-
Once you have read or listened to the chapter I would like you to complete Challenge 1 OR Challenge 2.
Challenge 1 - In Chapter One we meet King Fred. Use the description in the text to draw two portraits of King Fred. One should show his face in detail and one should show his fine clothes.
In Chapter One we learn a lot about the country of Cornucopia. We read about Chouxville, Kurdsburg, Baronstown, Jeroboam and the Marshlands. Can you use the information in the chapter to create a map of Cornucopia?
Further information and support for these tasks are underneath the audio of the story on the Chapter One page.