Monday 27th April 2020
Welcome to Week 5
This week your maths is from the White Rose Maths Home Learning site. It is a revision of the work we were doing right before we broke up. The work is from the week commencing 20.4.20. you will need to scroll down each day to get to the lesson. One lesson each day this week. On Friday there are a series of challenges. Challenge 5 and 6 are aimed at year 6 but you are welcome to try all of them. Don't forget to continue to play Sumdog and Progidy. Have Fun.
Speedy Maths - Can you beat your time. Choose Bronze, Silver or Gold
These are your words for the week. I have put them on spelling shed to help you practise. We will have our hive spelling test on Wednesday and Friday at 11am! Same words but a chance to improve your score.
1. bionic
2. aquarium
3. aerodynamic
4. supernatural
5. microscope
6. audience
7. portable
8. transferable
9. interrupt
10. autobiography
11. geography
12. prehistoric
The Vikings first invaded a monastery in a place called Lindesfarne in AD793. It is a small holy island located off the northeast coast of England and close to a group of islands called the Farne Islands. Your task today is to read the fact file and find out where in the UK Lindesfarne and Farne islands are:
- What county is it in?
- What are the nearest towns?
- What is the name of the castle that looks out over the Farne Islands?
Below is a fantastic geography tool that will allow you to search for the Farne Islands and look at an ordnance survey map of the area:
Username: HR47DW
Password: chalts4875
Lindisfarne fact file
The Farne Islands

Art Challenge
Draw and label a map of either the Farne Islands or Lindisfarne Island (images above)