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St Mary's C of E Primary School

Credenhill, Hereford

Get in touch

Friday 24th April



Don't forget our interactive spelling test this morning at 11:00am. The Hive code is: #360739

Log in with this code to the hive!


Today I would like you to visit the BBC Bitesize site. They have produced a series of lessons that are really good and today I would like you to look at the Well being lesson all about transitioning to Secondary school - I have put the link below. There is an activity for you to do so get your home learning book ready 

Speedy Maths - day 5

Maths - Can you solve this axe throwing problem?

Art Challenge

Each Day for the next 30 days I will set you a daily art challenge. Try and add as much detail as you can. Each task should take approximately 30 minutes. They do not have to be too big.

Day 6 - Draw/ Paint/ Collage - A viking Longship

