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St Mary's C of E Primary School

Credenhill, Hereford

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Wednesday 3rd June 2020

Whale Wednesday! 


This video is very long and you don't need to watch all of it. Start at 8 minutes and by 20 minutes you will have drawn the animal. Then all you need to do is add colour and a background if you'd like. You can watch to the end if you wish!


Please come along for your stage.

STAGE TWO @ 10.30

STAGE ONE@ 11.00

Code sent on Seesaw 10 minutes before the test.

If you haven't done one before, try it!

ENGLISH - Today we would like you to write a new version of this week's story. Look a the pictures below to choose a new character to have instead of the whale. Then get writing! You will need a new title, a beginning, middle and end and some illustrations. Send us your story on Seesaw.

MATHS - grouping as sharing. We would suggest you can probably skip straight to video 2. 

