Tuesday 21st April
Today, I would like you to look at this mini poster. It describes the life-cycle of a spider. I would like you to have a go at copying it out into your book. Look carefully at the drawings and the presentation. Use neat handwriting and clear arrows. Yours can also be coloured in too. CHALLENGE: If you don't like to draw, perhaps you could find photos and paste them in. This could be a real poster - or a digital one. You can also add even more information from your own research about the life cycle of a spider.
How did you get on yesterday with the spider task?
Did you look for any in your house? If you didn't get a chance to go on a spider hunt then please do that anytime. If you don't want to send your results, or can't send them on the links - why not make a record of them in your own book? Even better, send me your pictures too and I'll pop them here in a gallery.
Week 2 - lesson 2 'Order and Compare decimals'
NB - Question 3 asks you to use place value counters - you don't have these so draw them instead.
If you are unable to watch the video lessons, you should still be able to do the worksheet.