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St Mary's C of E Primary School

Credenhill, Hereford

Get in touch

Friday 19th June 2020


Stage 2@ 10.30

Stage 1 @ 11.00

Look out for your code on Seesaw

See you there 

Today is our final day of Meerkat Mail. Your final task is to plan a welcome home party for Sunny!

Step 1 - invite guests. You could do a table plan.

Step 2 - create a menu. You could go online and find out how much your food costs.

Step 3 - decide on decorations. 

Step 4 - bake a cake. You could actually do some baking today, if not a cake, then cupcakes, biscuits, rice krispie cakes.

Step 4 - make a music playlist. You could learn a new dance to teach Sunny.

Step 5 - choose some games to play. You could adapt some of the dinosaur games from last week.

Below are some templates for you to use.



MATHS MAT - Complete these questions on different maths topics. The answers are on page 2 so that you can check your work.

Kalahari Meerkats

Some wonderful videos of meerkats (and a few other African animals) for you to enjoy. Watch out for the meerkat falling asleep whilst on Lookout! It will make you giggle!

