Monday 15th June
Monday 15th June
Daily practice:
Read your book / Wild Robot audio book
Spelling List 20
Play Sumdog or Hit The Button for times tables practice
This week we are going to be working on a maths topic called 'statistics' which means graphs, charts and timetables. I hope you enjoy this activity which shows 3 different ways the same data can be presented. Maybe you could make a chart about your pets, eye colours or favourite foods. You can enter your own data and choose a colour to represent the thing your are counting.
There are no instructions on using this, but by clicking and testing the different buttons, the children soon figure out how to make changes and see results. (If you find it really confusing - watch the video of me playing about with it at the bottom of this page... although it's better for the children to explore a bit first!)
I am also including a link to the block coding site which children have used in class - and is also about using data to create effects on-screen
user: student 15593 password: griffin
Please choose a task to complete in your CGP book today.
Can you learn how to say the months of the year in French today?
We learn new languages by lots of repetition in different ways and over a long time. So you might like to try all of the resources below but revisit them on different days to help your brain remember them once and for all.
Find a tennis ball and bounce the ball when you say each month.