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St Mary's C of E Primary School

Credenhill, Hereford

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Phonics and Mathematics

Mathematics and Phonics



As a whole school we follow the mastery approach to teaching mathematics and this begins in reception. This approach allows children to develop mathematical concepts through a ‘hands-on’ and contextual way; children see examples of number patterns and arrangements in everyday scenarios and explore how numbers are linked. We use mathematical vocabulary throughout and practise skills they have learned through play. Mastery teaching is a part of daily routine, such as counting fruit/paying for fruit, signing in in the morning and counting resources such as scissors and pens into labelled containers.  Mastery Maths means, embedding and consolidating learning, deepening children’s understanding of concepts and exposing children to many examples of one idea, so that they are confident learners and can apply their skills to different problems, for example in reception we learn about numbers 0-10, finding out about what numbers go together to make a new number, identifying groups of numbers without counting and discovering patterns in these numbers, for example counting in twos.



We teach children to read and write using our whole school Read Write Inc. scheme. This scheme teachers children the sounds that the letters make and teaches them to blend words. Alongside our daily phonics teaching, we provide children with whole class reading, 1-1 reading and guided reading. Children learn to write initially by mark- making, developing effective pencil control and building fine motor skill strength in order to prepare for writing. We do this through fun activities which helps strengthen and control these movements. As we move through reception, children are shown how to form letters correctly and provided with meaningful activities to encourage independent writing, for example writing shopping lists, birthday cards, wanted posters and many more ways to develop children’s love for writing. We have a class book corner, which is full of quality texts selected to support our curriculum and children’s interests. A fundamental aspect of teaching children to read is developing communication skills. We work on building children’s communication skills by modelling talk, encouraging them to join in with repeated refrains in books and allowing them the opportunity to work collaboratively with peers.


Please find a link to our phonic's page below.

