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St Mary's C of E Primary School

Credenhill, Hereford

Get in touch

Monday 30th March

Activity 1

To start off the week I thought it would be great to wake all the children up with another yoga session! This video is longer than the last so please feel free to do as much as you want with your child or children. It includes a song for your child to join in with about a little green frog. 

Activity 2

Follow the link below to join a live Read Write Ink phonics session at 9:30am. It will be recapping a sound that you child has already learnt. Your child will be able to follow the session as it will follow the same structure as our class phonics lessons. If you miss the live video don't worry as it will be available all day. 

Activity 3 

Watch the video below to 2:01. In this video the number blocks discuss squares, rectangles and triangles. After the video ask your child if the know any other 2D shapes? (circles, semicircle, hexagon, pentagon, octagon). Discuss how many sides they would have and check to see if your child is right on the shape mat (I have attached underneath). Then go on a 2D shape hunt around the house and garden. See which shapes your child can identify, can they draw the different shapes they see? 

Activity 4

 Using the letter formation sheet in your child's home learning book practice forming the letters h, i and j. Support your child forming the lower case and capital letters on the line in their home learning book. 

