Y6 - Home Learning
User: student15593 password: griffin
Welcome to Week 15 - Our final week of term!
Wow Year 6! Can you believe that this is the last week of home learning before our Summer holidays- what a strange and usual time we have had. Just a reminder that all year 6 children are invited into school on Friday for a celebration morning. Children will not need to wear school uniform and should arrive at school between 9:00am and 9:15am and will need to be collected/ walk home at 12:00pm/12:15pm. I will send you a
message with your child's allotted time. School will still be open for year 6 on Thursday as usual. Mrs South has set this week's work, if you have any problems please don't hesitate to get in touch. We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on Friday. Mrs Jones and Mrs South :)
Week 14 - Our final Zoom session is Monday at 1:00pm
Week 13 - Our Zoom meeting is Monday 29th at 1:00pm.
Week 12 - Zoom session on Monday 22nd June 1pm
Here are our recipes from last week. I wonder if you will make someone else's recipe?
Welcome to Week 11
Early Warning - Get ready to some cookery this week. Think about your favourite recipe and ask your parents if you can get the ingredients ready to cook!
Hello Year 6 and Welcome to Week 10. This week our topic is SPACE
Dear Year 6. We hope that you like your new workbooks and we are happy for you to use them alongside your home learning. You do not have to do both - either 4 pages from your workbook (maths); an English task or the home learning tasks.

A cookery lesson from Heather

Exciting News Class 6!!
Here is the video from Emma the scientist and she answers all your questions! It's absolutely fantastic and she has obviously spent a great deal of time preparing it for us and teaching us all about genetics. If you would like to write her a thank you letter/ email please send it to me and I will pass it on to her.
Half Term Wk Beginning 25th May 2020
Dear Parents and Carers
This week is half term and we will not be setting home learning so you can all have a break. If you would like some extra activities there are lots of links on our home learning page and we have updated our Just for Fun area to provide you with some ideas as well. Hope you have a lovely half term holiday and as always we are missing you all terribly and hope that you are all safe and well. Mrs Jones and Mrs South.
Welcome to Week 8!
This week Mrs Jones is in school on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs South has set your English and Mrs Jones has set your Math's work. If you have any problems please message us on Seesaw. Spelling tests will be on Wednesday and Friday at 11:00 am as usual. Please can you remember to send your questions for Emma the scientist to Mrs Jones by Monday evening at the latest. Did you know that you can challenge each other to ‘Hive’ games in Spelling Shed at any time? If you click on one of the yellow challenge boxes on the home screen, you can then select ‘create hive’, choose a difficulty level then you can send a code to your Spelling Shed classmates to join you (any year group). Once their avatar appears click on ‘start game’. Have fun and take care, Missing you all every day!
Welcome to Week 7
We hope you had a lovely bank holiday weekend and thank you for sending in your VE day pictures, your houses and tea parties look amazing. We have put some pictures in our gallery below so you can all have all have a look. This week we are asking all the children to learn a new song called 'Looking at the Rainbow'. It is a special song written by Nick and Becky Drake for school children around the country to learn and perform when we are all back together again. We have put a link below for you and the lyrics. Our whole school learning theme this week is 'Different Faiths' your English activities will be based around five different religions. Spelling tests will be on Wednesday and Friday at 11:00am. Your maths will be a set of problems each day set by Mrs South - all you need is a paper and a pen! Mrs Jones is in school this week so if you need any help with your work during the day please feel free to message Mrs South. Remember that we are thinking about you everyday and know that you are making us all so proud.
Letter from Mrs Davies 13th May 2020
Our Gallery
Week 6
Easter Letter from Mrs Jones
Week 3
- Play Progidy and Spelling shed as often as you can and don't forget to read.I would love to hear what you are reading at the moment and what your book is all about. You can message me using Seesaw :)
- Monday 30th March 2020
- Tuesday 31st March 2020
- Wednesday 1st April 2020
- Thursday 2nd April 2020
- Friday 3rd April 2020