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St Mary's C of E Primary School

Credenhill, Hereford

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Tuesday 2nd June



Today I would like you to write a character description on either the craft master or the dragon from yesterday's video story(if you missed it, please look on yesterday's page.) There are some rules for your writing: you cannot start any two sentences with the same word. Look at how you might start with the noun- Spikes, as sharp as broken glass, protruded from its head. Or how you might use an adjective- Sharp spikes protruded from its head. They may like to use a preposition- On top of its head, a row of sharp spikes formed a threatening mane. Or perhaps use an adverb- Menacingly sharp spikes protruded from its head.

I have placed two example descriptions for you to read below to help you as well as a word bank so that you can use some exciting vocabulary. I would really like to read them and post them for others to read so please take a picture and let me see your amazing writing.

Grammar - can you match the synonyms in each block of 6?

Art Challenge

Imagine a what our world would look like in the future. Can you draw a futuristic landscape?

