Monday 22nd June
Our Zoom meeting today is at 2:15pm
Can you be ready to tell everyone... "What is your best Y5 memory?"
Daily practice:
Read your book / Wild Robot audio book
Spelling List 21
Play Sumdog or Hit The Button for times tables practice
Reading Comprehension - The Hobbit

This week I would like you to try the online video lessons provided by The Oak Academy. Today, the teacher explains in detail how best to tackle reading comprehension questions. In the middle of the video, there is a 'worksheet' however this is actually a series of slides to scroll through rather than a printable pdf. At the end, spellings are provided for the week BUT you already have your own spellings for this week so stick to spelling shed. (Of course if you want to do these in addition - go ahead!)

Remember these lessons? Many of you liked these and I think to revise and extend multiplication of larger numbers, then these are something you can get your teeth into.
MAKE SURE YOU CLICK THE CORRECT PINK BAR... look at the date here and choose this one.
You won't have the equipment to play with - but don't forget our friend 'Mathsbot'