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St Mary's C of E Primary School

Credenhill, Hereford

Get in touch

Monday 29th June

Zoom meeting today at 2:15pm.
Today, we are going to have a quiz laugh - so be ready with a note pad and pen to show your answers to the camera.


daily practice

Daily Reading / The Wild Robot
Spelling List 22 (stage 5 'ough' / stage 4 'cian' endings)
Hit The Button to practise all of your times tables.
Then, If you log on to sumdog you should find an interactive Times Tables Checker - you should be aiming high on this to provide mainly accurate answers

This week you are practising converting measures in length - along with the children in school.
The sheet below has 3 levels of difficulty. (Parents - children often find converting measures very confusing, as it is not something thy are called upon to do very often so they forget how to do it or why it works this way) and you may want to start at 1 star and work your way up to where you think your child's understanding is. Have a good discussion about how long things are, estimating lengths in either metres, cm or mm and see what they say. 

Please watch this (btw... uk spelling= centimetres. US spelling = centimeters)

You will learn some very interesting facts about measurements - even hot dogs and doughnuts get a mention!

Our theme this week is 'CIRCUS'. Below are 2 reading comprehensions. Choose the level which is right for your child.

