Y3 - Home Learning
'Looking to the Rainbow' is a brand-new song from Nick & Becky Drake for schools to perform during the Covid-19 lockdown.
We would like all the children to learn this song so when we return, it will be something we can all sing - bringing us together in a very special way.
Children up and down the country are learning this song so let's join in their efforts and brighten our days with the ever wonderful sound of children singing their hearts out. It is a beautiful song and one we know will stay with you.
Look at all of your fabulous work from this half term... lots of reading, fantastic Spring booklets, wonderful Egyptian work and creative natural art designs...well done everyone!
Letter from Mrs Jones and Mrs Goddard. We miss you Class 3! 1.4.20
Please contact us on Seesaw if you're having trouble with anything; work, accessing work, ideas for alternatives. We're always happy to help! Mrs Jones and Mrs Goddard x
Our school uses a learning platform called DISCOVERY EDUCATION ESPRESSO. During this time we have arranged for our parents to be able to access-all-areas for free. It is an enormous resource with endless information and activities in a safe - ad'-free - virtual environment. We highly recommend this site for children of all ages. When you find the site, the log in details are
User: student15593 password: griffin
Please continue to read daily at home. Read your school book or books you may have at home. Explore magazines or the newspaper. Try to read for at least 15 minutes each day.
There are some good audio books available for free online- World Book Online have made all of their 3000 ebooks (and audio books) FREE for children accessing at home. Enjoy listening to stories as well as reading them!
Interactive Pages for all of lower keystage 2 (Y3 & Y4). These are wonderful activities where children can input answers with automatic checking so they can see instantly if they need to move on or look again.
We suggest you work through these in order, unless your teacher directs you to a particular page.
The first set of questions can be missed out, or print out and colour if you are able to.
Spellings - You can find your weekly spelling sheets in this document below. Your weekly words will also be set online on Spelling Shed.
Message from Mrs Jones and Mrs Goddard (22.5.2020)
Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank you for all of your support this half term. We've really enjoyed seeing the work you've been completing at home and are so pleased with the amount of work and effort you've been putting in. We understand how tricky it must be to balance everything!
Next week is half term and we will not be setting home learning so you can all have a break and enjoy the sunshine! (fingers crossed!!)
If you would like some extra activities, there are lots of links on the home learning page and 'Just For Fun' area of the website to provide you with some ideas as well. We hope you have a lovely half term holiday and as always, we are missing you all terribly and hope you are all safe and well.
Mrs Jones and Mrs Goddard