Thursday 23rd April
Watch the video about Viking longships.
Today I would like you to imagine you are either a monk or a viking at the very first raid on Lindesfarne in 793. Imagine you see the vikings come out of the mist towards you - how do you feel? What do you do? What do you think it is as you've never seen anything like it before? What happened next? I would like to write a diary entry or a first person recount of the events. I have placed some extra information below and espresso has lots of interesting information.

Speedy maths - day 4
Art Challenge
Each Day for the next 30 days I will set you a daily art challenge. Try and add as much detail as you can. Each task should take approximately 30 minutes. They do not have to be too big.
Day 6 - Draw/ Paint/ Collage - A monk's illuminated letter