Wednesday 13th May
Please listen to and learn our song 'Looking to the Rainbow'
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Spelling Test today at 11:00pm. I will give you the code at 10:45am
Maths - Magic Squares
Topic - Multi Faith Week
Buddhism started in India over 2,500 years ago. Buddhists follow the teachings of a man called Siddhattha Gotama . He became known as the Buddha , which means 'enlightened'.
Your task today is to find out about Buddhism. When you have read through the information and watched the video, I would like you to create an information page that contains the key points of the religion. You can create a fact file, a powerpoint or a video of your learning. There is lots of information on Espresso that will help you too. Search for: RE2 - Faiths - Buddhism.
All about Buddhism
Art Challenge
Have a go at drawing Buddha.