Looking at my diary - I see Year 4 should have been leading class worship on Friday. We have missed such a lot together this year so I thought we could be creative and do it virtually!! Our theme is Empathy and I will be posting little video challenges in the JUST FOR FUN section of our Home Learning on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday if you would like to have a go and be part of the worship.
Well done and thank you for all the lovely pieces of work on empathy I received on Friday and over the weekend - they were super! I will put them on Seesaw on Friday to coincide with our class led worship (if you didn't have the opportunity to do this work you can have a go today - you can find it under Home learning ENGLISH on Friday 12th June 2020).
Today I would like you to send me a video of you reading your work so I can include some of them in our worship (you can email them to me at sdean@credenhill.hereford.sch.uk or send them on Seesaw. I will try to include as many as I can but please don't be disappointed if I don't include yours - there are challenges tomorrow and Wednesday too so I might pick your work for one of those instead.
Please ask a grown up to help you - the video needs to be LANDSCAPE if possible (not portrait), maybe you could be sat at a table so we get a nice clear view of you. It would be lovely if you could wear a school top as we are going to be making this into a video to send out to the whole school on Friday THIS WEEK!