Y4 - Home Learning
Welcome to Year 4 on-line learning. Wow, last week of term!
I hope you have a wonderful time at your transition session this week with Miss Taft - you are going to be amazing Year 5's-to-be! Don't forget to pick up your little box of resources for Friday's final home learning activity (if you can't make it to transition day - the box can be collected from the school office).
Our spellings on Monday will be a repeat of Friday's as we had some gremlins in the system didn't we! We won't be having a set test on Friday, it will be a random selection of 20 of our 100 Year 3/Year 4 words - it would be super to see as many as possible on line for our last game of the year! Don't forget you also have access to Maths Shed on your Spelling Shed login - so please do try some of the activities I have set for you.
Don't forget to keep reading - I have been enjoying hearing about your favourite books.
I miss you all so much. Take care, have a wonderful week and a super summer holiday.
Mrs Dean
Our school uses a learning platform called DISCOVERY EDUCATION ESPRESSO. During this time we have arranged for our parents to be able to access-all-areas for free. It is an enormous resource with endless information and activities in a safe - ad'-free - virtual environment. We highly recommend this site for children of all ages.
https://central.espresso.co.uk/espresso/primary_uk/home/index.html (log in details were sent on Seesaw - please get in touch if you need them to be resent).