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St Mary's C of E Primary School

Credenhill, Hereford

Get in touch

Elm Class

Welcome to Elm Class

Year 1 


Year 1 is a very important milestone in your child’s learning. The Autumn Term begins to support the children in becoming more independent learners. We encourage resilience and the importance of having a growth mindset as the children begin to become more confident learners.


Moving into the Spring Term children will consolidate their learning of phonics and use this to further develop their reading and writing skills. All subjects will endeavour to engage children to become motivated learners with curious minds. 


Miss Haskell is Year 1 class teacher. Mrs White is our fantastic teaching assistants in Year 1.


 Forest School sessions are on Mondays. Our PE lessons are on Fridays.


Please see our half termly newsletter below for more information about our learning.  


Forest School Fun!

