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St Mary's C of E Primary School

Credenhill, Hereford

Get in touch

Homework and Class information

Expectations in Oak Class:


  • Reading We ask you to aim to read with your child 3 times a week, for around 10 minutes.  Please make a note in their reading record  of whether or not they have completed their book, or the page number that they have reached.   Please send your child’s reading diary and reading book into school daily, as we need them in class.  Reading books will be changed when a child completes their book.
  • Spelling New Spellings will appear on Spelling Shed every Saturday morning. These spellings are based on the words/ pattern that we will be learning in school the following week. There will be a spelling test every Friday. 
  • Maths - children will have maths homework set weekly. This will set on a Friday to be returned the following Thursday.
  • Grammar - Children will have Grammar homework set Weekly. To will be set on a Friday to be returned the following Thursday. 

PE Kit should be in school on the days identified on the newsletter.




Year 6 SATs - Early notification that SATs week begins the 8th May 2023

Powerpoint from SATs meeting on the 26th February 2020

