Monday 4th May - May the force be with you!
Hi Year 6. Welcome to week 6. May the 4th be with you! This week you only have 4 days of home learning as Friday is a bank holiday. Our spelling test will be on Wednesday at 11:00am. Take care this week and thinking of you all :)

These are your spellings for this week Class 6. We will have a spelling test on Wednesday this week as it is a bank holiday on Friday. I have put them on Spelling Shed for you.
1. belief
2. hygiene
3. believe
4. patient
5. achieve
6. receive
7. perceive
8. either
9. protein
10. rein
11. sufficient
12. ancient
Our task this week is to say “thank you to the NHS.” We will be learning about the wide range of job roles and opportunities available in the NHS as well as some surprising facts. We will be thinking about how the NHS has helped us, our friends and our families.
Day 1: Your strengths and the NHS
Day 2: Working in the NHS
Day 3: Competition time!
Click on the link below to take you to today's work.
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I thought we would have some Star wars inspired maths today - as it is May 4th! Can you solve these word problems? I have put a picture and a pdf for you(they are the same).

Art Challenge
As it is May the 4th, your art challenge is to draw a new character for a Star Wars movie.