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St Mary's C of E Primary School

Credenhill, Hereford

Get in touch

Friday 5th June 2020


Stage 2 (challenge words) @ 10.30

Stage 1(ea words) @ 11.00

Friends on  Friday

Today your task is to make contact with one or more of your friends. You can do this by a video call, phoning them, writing to them, sending them a picture, or even inviting them to a spelling Hive. (Remember, click create Hive, let them know the 6 digit code, press start and off you go!)

Celebration Assembly - take a look at some of your amazing work and a few photos of your half term fun!

PHONICS - investigate words with the 'igh' sound today. The second page shows the answers, for those slightly ambiguous pictures!

A Journey Under the Sea

Watch the video and follow the magical journey under the sea.
Now write about your adventure. What sea animals did you see? You may not know their names, but you can describe them.How many different creatures? How deep did you go? How did you feel?

