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St Mary's C of E Primary School

Credenhill, Hereford

Get in touch


Your English task today was to write a letter. You might want to go one step further and create a 'Care package' to include a letter and some other treats such as a tea bag, their favourite sweets, a chocolate bar, a pen and paper so they can write back, maybe a photo of you if you have one! You can include anything you think they would enjoy and will make them smile - that is the aim! Please take a photo of your letter or care package before your send it, I would love to see them! 


Like some of you, I have to shield so haven't been able to go out since March - other than my daily run down a quiet country lane.  I haven't seen my family,  friends or colleagues for three months but I feel very blessed to have a wonderful husband and children with me and last week one of my lovely friends sent me a care package...I thought it might help inspire you as to what you could send in yours.


Our parcel included a homemade picture, a pack of cards, some birdseed, some books to read, a ball for the dogs and a lovely letter.  It was so thoughtful and so beautiful - it really lifted our spirits.  Who do you think needs cheering up?  Is there something you could send to someone?


We have been sending personalised wordsearches to our friends - places we have visited together, special words to describe them, their family names - this activity costs nothing but your time and could be very special to someone who needs a reason to smile!


