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St Mary's C of E Primary School

Credenhill, Hereford

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The rest of this week we will be focusing on a beautiful story book called "Simon and Rosie" written by Lucy Moonen and illustrated by Gillian Johnson. It has been created to encourage a discussion about feelings at this current time.  I have made a donation on behalf of the class so you are under no obligation to donate to read the book if you follow the link.


I will be reading this book to you on ZOOM at 1pm - after that I will upload a link to a pre-recorded reading for you to watch (just in case my broadband is unkind during ZOOM).  Below are some discussion points about the book for you to talk to your grown up about (scroll down to the bottomof the page).


Use words from the book to help you write your own description of Rosie and Simon. Have a go at recreating one of the pictures from the book in your own style.

Simon and Rosie

